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“Freshgeo is an indespensible tool for our business.”

Reliable Sales Insights

Using Sales Intelligence tools may be fundamental for your business, but if it’s not done carefully.
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Join over 350 satisfied Customers.

Great companies use Freshgeo to power their data models.

Improve Sales

If you sell an online product and you want to monitor the performance of the sales, you may use a S.I. software.
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Global Access

Gain access to globally distributed localized sales data to help you improve conversions and deliver localized business KPI rankings
Best-in-class features
Created by a team of data enthusiasts
Fully managed Platform
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130 Geo locations statistics & dashboards

130 Geo locations including USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, China, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia .Detailed usage statistics for your account

Consumer satisfaction score

Pivot 96%
Competitor A 58%
Competitor B 25%
* Add some disclaimer text here about the source of the data.
Customer Stories

When you've got revenue targets to meet, you need a tool you can count

" If a server goes down, we will let you know while we work to get it back online. In the meantime, swap to another server nearby and keep on working."

Brian Henderson
Director of Sales
Fully Managed

Real-Time Data Intelligence for all major industries

Some example use cases across a few industries we serve

E-Commerce & Retail

Monitor competitors' prices, inventory, performance, best sellers etc.

Travel & Hospitality

Capture images & descriptions to enrich online travel listings.
Customer sentiment monitoring

Marketing & Sales

Competitive research, market analysis, trend analysis, etc.

Scale your business with freshgeo


Our network uptime has been world class.


Responsive and fully managed technical support.

250+ Geo

Gain access to globally distributed network.


Average rating from our customers.


Records validated and processed each day.

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