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Data as a API

Turn websites into actionable intelligence

The best data about your competitors, customers and market exists out there on the web.
Geo Locations
Network monitoring for uptime
dedicated network to power your data pipeline

How Freshgeo can help

Aggregate financial data from several online sources to power equity research
Clean and Legally compliant data
Globally distributed geo servers
Data-Backed Sentiment Analysis
Predict market trends, devise optimal pricing strategies, launch new products/services, and automate marketing tasks
Track competitor prices
Enrich product listings
Automate market intelligence
Track top-selling products and customer sentiments with high quality, structured data gathered from multiple e-commerce sites, channels and partners.
Optimize Pricing Strategies
Automate Sentiment Analysis
Monitor Minimum Advertised Price Violations
Take the uncertainty out of localization testing with scalable testing options and a global network of servers
Test locale-specific code
Integrates with automated CI/CD pipeline
Be compliant with geo restrictions

Structured, localised data

With our SERP Scraper, businesses can get structured data in HTML or JSON format, allowing them to analyze and store it easily. Select a specific area and we’ll deliver accurate, hyper-localized search results.
Save time & resources
Collects data at scale
Legally compliant datasets
Error handling Management

Great companies use Freshgeo to power their data models.

Fresh real time data

Go beyond the cutting-edge in data quality assurance

Get data as it changes in real time

Power discovery of all data points

FreshGeo discovers all relevant data items & URLs on a website (for example, all products on an e-Commerce site), which are often not accessible when trying to collect data yourself.
Malicious Landing Page
Unique Visitors
View Report

Always fresh, ready-to use data

Data is rich and always continuously updated, so you can remain ahead with immediate business insights.
There have been 25 events in the last week.
Cassandra D.
Harold C.

Clean data sets on demand

Get pre-collected datasets that cover a wide range of data points of entire websites. Identify and analyze trends, find companies, people, and social media influencers, optimize your eCommerce activity, or obtain data for your machine learning algorithms.
Auto Redirects
10 minutes ago
Hamish A. just paid you $450 for “Final Changes”
Purchase Amount
Sales Tax
Additional Charges
We are able to save over 30% by using freshgeo's platform and gain highly saleable and localized search results.
Chandler C.
Business Owner
7 Day Free Trial • No Credit Card Required
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